March 22, 2009

Tariff on the US

In a suprising turn of events, after the US ended the pilot program allowing a limited amount of Mexican trucks on US highways, Mexico retaliated and implemented a tariff on a variety of US goods. Mexico announced higher tariffs on $2.4 billion worth of imports coming from the US. This comes alongside other news of the ongoing Mexican drug wars. Based on this and the drug wars, Felipe Calderon and Obama have planned a meeting to discuss the "US-Mexican relationship" on a variety of topics which are easily guessed. Mexico has stated that the US has violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by ending this pilot program. Secretary of State Clinton will also be visiting Mexico this week, and this alongside other issues in the drug war will probably come up. The implementation of the tariff in retaliation will hit imports from a variety of states across the US with the threat of expanding the list if the trucking issue is not solved. However some of nervous about such things as shown just this past week after "after a Mexican big-rig truck crashed into a bus in northern Mexico this week, killing seven Americans, three Canadians and the Mexican bus driver." This goes to show the interaction of nations especially in the economic turmoil as is happening now; and the importance of free trade between nations.

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