March 9, 2009

Death, Gloom, Destruction, Mexico

Somebodies getting work in the economic crisis. Mexico's morgue's are experiencing an influx of bodies due to the recent explosion of drug-related violence. So far this year 1000 people have been killed, compared with 6000 in the entirety of 2008, raising concerns about stability and civil order. In a particular criminal lab and morgue in Ciudad Juarez, founded after women were found raped and dumped in the desert, is experiencing overflow to the extent that they pack fridges supposed to have a mazimum capacity of 80 with 200 people. 40 percent test positive for marijuana or cocaine use, suggesting the futility of the drug wars. The fact that many friends of the deceased refuse to claim the body as a defense mechanism compounds the problem. This is indicative of larger systemic violence, undermining mexican stability and providing exact, visceral proof of impending catastrophe.

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