April 4, 2009

The Ring..err..Ties of Power!

Attorney General Eric Holder recently met with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Attorney General Eduardo Medina-Mora.  All parties involved agreed that actions needed to be taken towards the much percieved drug cartel violence sparking all througout Mexico.  However they also refuted the Pentagon claim that Mexico was heading towards attaining the term of "failed state".  On the same schedule was the topic of Colombia, and the rampant drug corruption there as well.  In Colombia, a southern neighbor of Mexico (2 blocks down), corruption is so bad that the leader of the Medellin cartel was just recently elected to Congress.  These drugs are causing problems for both Mexico and the United States.  On the topic of the weakening of the Mexican state Medina-Mora replied, “Mexico has never been a weak state.  It is not today. It will never be in the future. We have faced even more difficult problems than this one. And it is relevant to put this in perspective.”  Adding to this, he said that the purpose of the Mexican war on drugs is to remove from power those who infringe upon the rights of Mexican citizens.  They discussed training Mexican canine teams,  and the US Coast Guard to work alongside the Mexican Navy.  The recent talks between administration of both relevant countries shows the increased diplomacy in the Obama administration and the ability of it to handle a multitude of problems while even in the midst of a global financial crisis.  Alongside this, it shows the Obama administration is adopting new policies that, rather than just putting the US on a world pedestal, raises the entire world onto that same step as well.  The new regime is removing the divide of "Us" and "Them" and allows the US people to see the "Them" as nothing but a different "Us".  “We are going to operate almost like a vise,” Ms. Napolitano said of the United States and Mexico, after the meeting with Mr. Calderón. “We’re going to take out the cartels that have been plaguing our communities for far too long.”  

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