February 8, 2009

Mexico City to turn Green with New Recycling Plan

Mexico is planning to build 4 new recycling and waste processing centers to burn and compost eighty-six percent of trash(from the current six percent). This will place Mexico City in line with cities such as San Fransisco, and first among developing cities. The largest landfill in Mexico City will close this month, and the city is taking a hard look at the amount of trash it produces. The city has required its citizens to sort trash for several years, but the city's infrastructure has not been able to handle it.

I think this really interesting because it shows that despite the rampant drug wars and other issues Mexico City is facing there is a push to help the environment even if it comes out of slight interest of wanting the city to not be surrounded by landfills and horribly trashed. A real push for an improvement in how the city's government handles this also shows a huge change perhaps because of the international focus recently on not further hurting the environment (greenhouse gases etc)
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